Dail​y vi​sits
Keeping the clients independence while remiaining in their own home is paramount to us.
During these calls we can provide personal care, meal preparation, welfare check, shopping trips, We offer calls starting from 30 minutes or for as long as you need. Calls care are spaced out into morning, lunch, teatime and bedtime calls between the hours of 7am and 10pm. We offer competitive rates starting from £17 for 30 minutes, £19 per 45 minutes and £22.00 per hour call per support worker.
Weekends and Bank Holidays are charged at additional rates.
Respite Care
Respite Care
We understand that Sometimes you just need care for a few weeks, if you a caring for a relative and going away we can step in. Short term contract are available at not extra cost from our normal fees. We can also step in after hospital discharges where that little bit of extra care is needed.
Medication Supervisions and health screening
As part of our careplans the weight of the client will be monitored and we can refer to dieticians. We can monitor the taking of medications to ensure compliance, reorder medications, store repeats, liases with GP surgerys, deliver new medications. We can arrange for medi-boxes to be made up by the pharmacy.
Private companion calls
Private companion calls
We can offer calls for companionship. Sometimes its nice to sit and have a cup of tea and a chat!!!! These calls can be once a day or once a week. These used to be one of our directors favourite calls, baking or doing a jigsaw and spending quality time with the service user. These calls can also be used for longer shopping trips and unpacking the other end, or maybe they would like a trip to the shops with us.
Night Care
This is often needed during end of life care. Our support workers are able to stay within the clients property overnight to ensure the safety and well being of an individual. We can provide personal care and make sure fluid levels are met, and complete regular checks. This can also be sleeping nights where the reassurance of someone being on the premises needed.
Palliative/End of life Care
We can provide support during this time. Our support workers can provide reassurance that some is there if you are not able to be. We can complete observations and liaise with local District Nurses to ensure dignity, comfort and privacy are maintained.
Emergency Care
Sometimes emergency's happen and you cant be in two places at the same time. We can step in with short notice to bridge the gap.
Who Qualifies for domiciliary care funding?
Who Qualifies for domiciliary care funding?
In the first instance contact Customer First- Suffolk County Council Social Care Service, they can give financial advice and conduct financial assessments. You can call them on 0808 800 4005 Opening hours are 08:00 - 18:45 Monday to Friday.